This is the first post to my new blog.  Called Dinosaurs on Wheels, it will cover our upcoming bicycle trip across the country.

The Dinosaurs are two sixty-something brothers, finally getting around to a bucket list adventure.  This trip is something usually undertaken by younger folks, with few obligations and youth on their side.  In this case we have neither.  Well, one of us doesn't have so many obligations.  My brother Jerry is a retired medical doctor, formerly of the University of Wisconsin medical system.  I'm the owner of a small company in Ohio.  Still working, kind of.  My plan is to connect from the road.  Thank goodness everyone at my company is very understanding and very competent.  It's likely, with me gone, we may thrive.  That usually happens whenever I go away.  Right before a devastating computer catastrophe...

In any case, we will be riding across the country by bicycle. Hence the title, Dinosaurs on Wheels.  Actually my wife picked up a birthday card recently that really summed up our adventure.  It showed a Tyranosaurus Rex riding a bike, and the title read.  Even if it's a bad idea, doesn't mean it won't be a good time.  Perfect for our trip.

Cycling's always been part of our lives.  When we were teenagers Jerry and I took camping trips by bicycle.  Confession here: usually those trips started great, but didn't finish well.  I remember one trip, from Toledo, Ohio to Cincinnati, where after multiple breakdowns, Jerry called his girlfriend to drive down and pick us up.  She got lost and we didn't see her for about a full day.  I think she drove to Indiana.  Who knows?  I think we spent more time sitting on the side of the road waiting for her than we did cycling.

For this trip we're hoping not to be calling anyone.

Our trip starts on the west coast of Oregon, travels across the middle of the country and ends up in Yorktown, Virginia.  Hopefully.  Actually, we're following a route established by the Adventure Cycling Association years ago, called the Trans-America Trail.  It goes through Oregon, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, into Kentucky and finally hits the east coast in Virginia.  Our hope is that if we can follow a well-established route, at least that's something we can count on.  Other than that, we're on our own.

At least it should be a good time.


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