
Showing posts from 2021

Richmond to Caswell Beach

It’s been over a year since I posted any kind of blog, but since I’m on another bike trip, and actually on a2 hour ferry ride right now, what better time y to catch up? Normally on my ride I’m accompanied by my personal physician and bike mechanic, my brother Jerry. However, a week prior to the start of a full month trip from Richmond to Key West, his heart went into atrial fibrillation. If you don’t know what that is, and haven’t watched numerous TV commercials for drug companies, it’s a condition where the heart doesn’t pump in a normal, or “sinus” rhythm, but is short circuited into an abnormal beat that doesn’t fully circulate the blood. This results in less oxygen, and a higher risk of stroke by sending blood clots to the brain. Yeah, yuck. In any case, this meant Jerry couldn’t go. This was actually the inspiration for us to go across country last year. He had this condition before and had a heart “ablation” to try to fix it. Knowing our family heart issues, and with perhaps limi